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Artist Membership

OCCCA Membership Application Process

OCCCA welcomes applications for membership from emerging, mid-career, and accomplished artists eager to explore and promote excellence in contemporary art. We encourage contemporary artists working in various media, including painting, ceramic and other sculpture, installation art, photography, film, video, new media, performance art, and experimental genres, to apply.


Apply by e-mail to 

  • Five images of artwork that you have completed within the last three years

    • Size the images at 1920 pixels on the longest side and saved as a JPEG at 72 dpi

  • Format the file names as follows: FirstName_LastName_Title.jpeg

  • A concise artist statement  and description of your artwork

  • CV – Professional resume including exhibition history

  • The link to your website

  • A paragraph describing why you want to join OCCCA and the skills you will bring to our community

  • Remit a $30.00 application fee via Pay Pal

    • Click here​


OCCCA Artist members will review the applicant's information. The applicant will be informed of one of the following outcomes:

  • An invitation for an in-person interview and presentation of your artwork

  • A request for additional information, or

  • Application will be declined and not advanced to Phase 3


At this phase, the applicant is invited to an in-person interview, which will include the presentation of five works that have been completed within the last three years. After the interview and presentation, OCCCA Artist members will vote to approve the applicant's application. A notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by email. 



Professional Growth

As an OCCCA Artist Member, you can:

  • Gain operational and management experience through involvement in exhibition design, curation, lighting, signage, installations, receptions, and more

  • Exhibit contemporary art without the specter of censorship or content control

  • Provide art lessons in local public schools

  • Conduct in-gallery workshops

  • Partake in grant-writing and contribute to community initiatives supported by approved grants

  • Work with high school and college volunteers and interns


As an OCCCA Artist Member, you can:

  • Exhibit your artwork in your periodic solo, two or three-artist exhibitions

  • Participate in OCCCA’s periodic Artist Member exhibitions

  • Benefit from no entry fee for OCCCA’s juried open calls for art

  • Keep 100% of revenue from any sales of your artwork


As an OCCCA Artist Member, you:

  • Are professionally represented by OCCCA

  • Can access a 360-degree self-guided online tour of your OCCCA exhibit

  • Gain exposure to curators, prominent galleries, and museum professionals

  • Showcase your artwork on OCCCA’s website and social media

  • Reach a wide audience through OCCCA’s 10,000+ email list and professionally crafted press releases

  • Receive promotion in professional art publications and exposure to art

  • writers

  • Can be featured in OCCCA’s newsletters and social media sharing updates on your artwork and outside projects

  • Can explore opportunities for special events, e.g., performance art, music, panel discussions, and book signings

  • You may have your artwork featured on OCCCA’s artist postcards, and promote your own materials in the gallery

Responsibilities and Obligations

As an OCCCA Artist Member, you are expected to:

  • Attend monthly OCCCA membership meetings

  • Stay current with monthly membership dues 

  • Participate in the installation and deinstallation of OCCCA exhibitions.

  • Help staff  opening receptions

  • Gallery sit at least once per month

  • Participate in a minimum of two OCCCA committees

  • Contribute to OCCCA’s future planning efforts

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